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Join the #GreatLakes1Million Challenge


Pick Up Trash

In your neighborhood, on a beach, during a hike -- trash can be picked up inland or right on the coast, it all helps prevent marine debris from entering the Great Lakes. If you are in the Great Lakes Basin, count how many pieces you collect and move on to Step 2 (we recommend counting your trash as you pick it up). 

Take Action: Get Involved

Report Your Data

Contribute to the #GreatLakes1Million challenge by sharing your trash data with us! Every piece counts. Whether you removed 3 pieces or 300 pieces, it all helps make our lakes and watersheds healthier and a better place for wildlife to thrive.

Spread the Word

Picking up trash is more fun with friends! It takes an entire region of Great Lakes advocates like you to protect our most precious freshwater natural resource. Host your own cleanup, use #GreatLakes1Million and inspire others to join you as you clean up our lakes! We LOVE seeing and sharing your trash photos.

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